Tag Archives: bechdel test

Fortnightly Feminist Films

18 Jan


This year the UMSU Wom*n’s Dept plans on showing a film on campus each fortnight that passes the Bechdel Test:

/bech·del test/ n.
1. It has to have at least two women in it
2. Who talk to each other
3. About something besides a man
* Bonus Points if the women characters have names! *
We hope to achieve a few things through this, first and foremost it will be fun and a chilled way to hang out! It may also be a good way to encourage more people to get involved with the department. And of course it will generally draw attention to the fact that women are badly, mis-, or underrepresented in many movies, especially mainstream/ultramegablockbustercinemaplex films – you know the ones – and the problem is not limited to what’s front of the screen: there also is an obvious lack of womn writers, directors, sound engineers, gaffers, etc. Maybe, just maybe, these two problems are related?
So without further ado, here is the first draft list of films (note: not all have been seen by the list composer!). Please comment on what should be added, or taken away, and any other ideas you have!